You know one of those instances where you need to stroll about to clear your head or get some fresh air. Well, let's make things interesting in a Linux system to avoid the physical strolling and get on the digital strolling.
Here are some cool stuff to do in pretty much any Linux distro. They'll come in handy to buzz of arrogant guys, baffle some dudes, earn for yourself some bragging rights. Sometimes just for show off, and also as a great epic riposte to some noobies (mostly windows dudes), or a comeback to some challenge.
Much of what is done here is bash scripting, one of the major reasons why the terminal is so powerful. We can also have perl and python scripting, two of the most common and popular hacker's programming languages.
Much of what is done here is bash scripting, one of the major reasons why the terminal is so powerful. We can also have perl and python scripting, two of the most common and popular hacker's programming languages.
You can copy and paste some of the code or enjoy the thrill of writing down the lines of code, which i recommend.
Save the lines of code in a file, e.g. Ensure they have a ".sh" extension i.e. run the command such as: touch
Finally ensure the file has executable permission, or give them executable permission with the command:
chmod +x
Then run the file in either of this two ways:
chmod +x
Then run the file in either of this two ways:
- Type: ./
- Type: bash
Here are the cool stuff:
1. Creating A Binary Numbers Matrix Effect on the Terminal Workspace
perl -e '$|++; while (1) {print "" x (rand(35) +1),int(rand(2))}'
echo "Done"
2. Generating Alphanumeric Passwords
echo "Password Generator"
echo "generating passwords for you since The Big Bang..."
echo "Enter Length of Password: " && read len
strings /dev/urandom | grep -o '[[:alnum:]]' | head -n $len |tr -d '\n';
3. Generate Strings of Colored stuff on Terminal.
while true;
do printf "\e[38;5;$(($(od -d -N 2 -A n /dev/urandom)%$(tput colors)))m.*\e[0m";
4. Pretend Your Computer is Busy Doing Some Cracking Task
while [ true ];
head -n 100 /dev/urandom;
sleep .01;
done | hexdump -C | grep "cafe"
5. Making A Number Pyramid/Slope
echo "See the following"
for((i=1; i<=50; i++))
for((j=1; j<=i; j++))
echo -n "$j"
echo ""
Note: Play about with length of slope by changing the 50 to any other number you wish. It's all about concatenation.
6. Ruby Code to Display a Sine Wave on Terminal
ruby -e "i=0; loop{puts''*(29*(Math.sin(i)/2+1))+'|'*(29*(Math.cos(i)/2+1)); i+=0.1}"
Well, do enjoy the Linux digital stroll.
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