A Quick Quide To Hacking WiFi DoS attack
We will be use the Aircrack-ng suite of tools to execute a denial of service attack i.e. denying users wifi access.
Am doing this on Kali Linux, but it should also be applicable to any other GNU/Linux distro such as Parrot SEC OS.
My wireless adapter in managed mode has the name: wlan0 and in monitor mode has the name wlan0mon. You can check for this info by running:
1. Close down all other network services and processes:
2. Set your wireless adapter card from manged mode to monitor mode to allow it to sniff and capture packets.
3. To see all wireless devices, wifi routers plus all users' devices such as laptops and smartphones, use the command:
You can add a -a element to prevent un-associated users (users not connected to a particular wifi) from being displayed.
airodump-ng -a wlan0mon
4. Make sure to copy and save the MAC address/ BSSID of a specific wifi router.
5. To focus on a specific wifi and the users connected to it, use the command:
airodump-ng -a --bssid (MAC ADDRESS) wlan0mon
Replace MAC ADDRESS with the BSSID of the wifi router
Then to prevent channel hoping of your wireless adapter, from channel 1 to 13, set it to focus on a specific channel, the same channel as the wifi router you intend to hack.
Check the wifi router's channel in the ch column and type it just after the -c option command.
6. Now for the ultimate, final epic moment. Let's kick out everyone on the network using the command:
This will run continuously, deauthenticating everyone on the network. The 0 option is for deauthenticating continuously and the -0 option for a deauthentication attack.
That's all for now.
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