Friday 16 November 2018

How To Maintain Anonymity On The Internet

Staying Anonymous

Ways and methods to maintain anonymity on the internet or any other network:

1. Using Anonsurf.
         Starting an anonsurf service on your computer. You just have to download anonsurf on your Linux system and you're ready to go.

2. Using proxychains.
         Routing your traffic through one or several proxychain(s) (though practically, you'll find it faster and convenient to use one workable proxychain)

3. Using Tor.
        Tor(The Onion Router). Using Tor browser and services, will not only make your traffic anonymous but also heavily encrypts it however much it comes as a trade off for speed.

3. Using a paid/premium VPN or even a free VPN.

Attacking Windows Using Viruses Built In C/C++

It can be quite awesome and a lot of fun building programs which can cause nuisance to a computer user, viruses or other type of malware in this case.
For windows users it can be quite a nuisance, believe me. So i decided to create a few not very nefarious and damaging viruses in C and C++ as well to deploy to a few of my friends just for the fun of it.

And Oh, there are comments to understand the code.

System Shutdown Virus(C++)

Running the following code on a windows computer causes it to shutdown, as it follows the "shutdown -s" command.

//calling the pre-processor directives

IP Address Generator Code

It was during one of my own personal Sherlock Holmes like cocaine frenzy moments where i crave for work, work and work (oh!, and i think i forget to mention that i use Kali Linux in practically all my work, unless it's gaming) and where the lines between reality and imagination blurs and fades into oblivion. I think i was fatigued from the many days i sometimes go with without ever sleeping a wink for i don't consider the following work exactly imaginatively impressive.
But i did it anyway.
Initially the problem was making a c++ program that could generate and display all the possible IP addresses available starting from to The task later evolved into comparing how that could be achieved in c++ code and in python code. Then there's comparing which one is faster at executing the task.

The Code

Well, below is  the c++ code;

#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>

using namespace std;

const int MIN = 255
const int MAX = MIN + 1;
int a,b,c,d;

The Zen Of Hacking

Originally term hacker meant someone who did the impossible with very
little resources and much skill. The basic definition is “someone who makes fine
furniture with an axe”. Hackers were the people who knew the computer inside
and out and who could perform cool, clever, and impossible feats with their
computers. Now days the term has been corrupted to mean someone who
breaks into computers, but in this book we use hacker in its original honorable
My first introduction to true hackers was when I joined the Midnight
Computer Club when I went to college. This wasn't an official club, just a group
of people who hung out in the PDP-8 lab after midnight to program and discuss
I remember one fellow who had taken $10 of parts from Radio Shack and
created a little black box which he could use with an oscilloscope to align
DEC Tape drives. DEC at the time needed a $35,000 custom built machine to do
the same thing.
There were also some people there who enjoyed programming the PDP-8 to
play music. This was kind of

Hacking Windows Login

How To Hack Windows Login Password Using Chntpw

Unable to login to windows password protected admin account
Login to windows password protected admin account 

  I. Make myself an admin
  II. Clear admin account's password
  III. Obtain admin account's password

Tool To Use

Let's Talk Anonymity: A Short Treatise On Anonymity

The internet takes a very serious position in our everyday lives. We do a lot of activities over the web, some of which we would like our ...